I am in such good spirits. I just heard a american airlines agent say those mystical words…the ones that are dreamed of..sought and wished for but rarely ever heard: “the flight is so light you can pretty much sit where ever you want!” So Becky and I snatched up the Exit Row and it is from said row that I am writing.

We have spent the last week in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and it has been incredible! Initially, it wasn’t my first choice. But Becky really wanted to go and to be honest, after the last month and a half, I could care less where we went as long as it was just her and I. So here is a brief glimpse at the trip….

We arrive in sunny San Jose, walk off the plane, down the tarmac, and into the customs area. We clear customs without a hitch and go in search of our lone check bag. This is where the story gets good… We find our bag without incident and proceed through imigration. Now Mexican Immigration does it a little different than the US; the xray every bag as you go through immigration. So Beck and I toss our bag up on to the xray machine and walk on through. Suddenly, the amigo watching the computer screen gets a funny look on his face and starts talking in rapid spanish to his xray buddies. Finally, one of them comes over and takes the bag out of the machine to an examing table nearby. No Problem. We have nothing to hide. He unzips the bag and starts going through it until he finds the three bath “bombs” that Becky brought along. Now, incase you don’t know what a Bath Bomb is, it basically looks like a baseball sized powder ball. It should also be mentioned that Becky’s spanish is much better than mine, but anyone that knows me knows that ain’t sayin much. So Becky is trying to explain what the ball is without saying the word bomb which is all that is coming to mind. Finally, the guy gets the idea of what it is because Becky keeps holding it to her nose but not to be dismissed, he continues to search around the bag to make it look like the bath bomb wasn’t the only thing he was looking for…so he pokes and prods around the bag and is just about to zip it up when he spies a very non-descript black plastic bag. At this point, I realize what he is about to do and start to laugh while Becky is just glad she isn’t being locked up for bath soaps. Eventually Becky realizes that he is opening up this black bag and wants to know why I am laughing. Then she gets an inkling of what is in the black bag and turns the brightest, cutest shade of pink I have ever seen. Let’s just say that the black bag contents (remeber this is our 1 year anniversary and we haven’t seen much of each other the last several weeks) contain, as Becky later coined the phrase, “Intimacy Enhancers”. And the Immigration officer played it like a professional straight man; he didn’t even crack a smile! Granted, in his line of work there is not telling what he has come across. Needless to say, Becky and I laughed the numerous times since then at the experience….

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