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everything is on curves…life is one big series of curves, ups and downs…as a Christian, there is a constant in that series of curves, the only constant in the curves of life…Christ.

I had a conversation with some buddies this afternoon, one of those conversations that you almost wish you had tape recorded because there was so much truth spoken that you can hardly get it all in one sitting. i am hoping that by writing some of it down I will be able to remember it longer…or at least more of it. I am not exactly sure how the conversation started but the point is we were talking about where the happy medium is between waiting for God to lead and being so proactive that you run right past his plan.
My buddy gave me a great analogy: It is as if you are in a car: you can either stay parked and just say you are waiting for Him to tell you where to go…one of the biggets fears is that we can’t see 10 feet in front of the car and therefore we are afraid taht if we go to fast or don’t know exactly what is in front of us we will run right off the edge of a cliff and fall to our death. The problem comes when we get to heaven and the only thing we have to show for it is a parked car. The other side of the argument is based on the fact that you will out run God so-to-speak or that you will be so proactive and that you will miss what God has for you. The key is to not grab the steering wheel. I mean, if we really have faith, and God is in control, then we can’t out run Him. The trouble we get into is when we try to go fast and steer. When we go our own way is then we get into trouble.

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