The Book of Genesis shows that marriage was meant for companionship—“It’s not good for man to be alone,” It was meant for raising kids—“Be fruitful and multiply.” And Genesis gives us a third glimpse into marriage: It is meant for shared, fulfilling service. God places Adam and Eve in the Garden and says in essences, “Take care of this, you two. It’s a big operation, and you’ll need each other. Till, plant, replenish, create.”

We hunger for this. Cooperating together. Meshing. Working as a team on something bigger than both of us. God ha planted this hunger deep within every married couple. It’s more than a hunger for companionship. It’s more than a hunger to pour our lives into our kids. It’s a third hunger, a hunger to do something significant together. We were joined to make a difference. We were married for a mission. But too many couples, after developing companionship and having kids, may be missing one-third of what God created marriage for—serving him together. In marriage, as in other areas of life, Jesus’ words hold true: in saving out lives we lose them, and in losing our lives in love to others, we drink of life more deeply.

~This is from our Couples Devotional Bible and was written by Kevin and Karen Miller.

As Becky and I were reading this devotional thursday, it really hit home that God has brought us together, not just as soul-mates, and not just because we are better together than apart, but that we are better together for a reason! God has a plan for us as a couple and a path for us to walk down that will glorify Him. While I was at Focus, we read a book called Sacred Marriage and the premise of the book was ‘marriage is to make you holy, not happy’. Not that marriage doesn’t make you happy at times but rather marriage is not just for our pleasure but more importantly for HIS pleasure; for us to bring HIM glory.

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